Principal's Message
Site Principal: Laurel Ciervo
Maple High School believes that, as a team, we empower students to thrive in and contribute to a highly connected world. Our goal is that students who attend will learn to become self-advocates who are able to transition to a college and career of their choice. From the first day of school, we work to teach students the skills they will need to be successful. We want students and families to know we care about them. Maple High School offers many programs to support students' academic, personal, and social-emotional development.
Maple High School offers many programs to support your academic development. Some of these programs include Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), Career Technical Development courses, Concurrent Enrollment courses, and daily progress monitoring of student goals and credit attainment. During the 2021-2022 school year, every student on campus will carry a binder and a planner and staff will conduct binder checks daily. New students will participate in our AVID Jumpstart Program for the first six weeks of their homeroom class. Students also participate in mediation class and have the opportunity to become mediators on campus. Starting this year, we will also offer Introduction to Career and Life Planning, a concurrent enrollment course taught on the Maple campus where students develop a 10 year plan and earn college credits. Students can earn college credit in four different courses taught on campus.
At Maple, we expect each student to show self-discipline in three areas during each six-week session: academics, behavior, and attendance. Maple focus areas include raising basic reading and math scores, improving student attendance, increasing the number of students who enroll in college classes, and increasing the number of opportunities students have to participate in college and career readiness activities. We strive to ensure every student is receiving a quality education while attending Maple.
Maple High School has many opportunities to support social-emotional development. Students will participate in social-emotional learning lessons weekly in their homeroom class. Students who need the support can also sign up for weekly counseling sessions with our school therapist. We also have two school counselors on staff who are available as needed. We began a partnership with a local yoga studio in 2016-2107. Students who went regularly increased their attendance by 30 to 40 percent. Finding great benefit in this, MHS will continue to offer this program three days each week to students during the 2021-2022 school year. This year, Maple will begin a partnership with Girls Inc. Girls will be able to participate in 10 sessions throughout the year that focuses on the development of the whole girl. A combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment, and researched-based programming equips girls to lead fulfilling and productive lives, break the cycle of poverty, and become role models in their community. We also provide support for pregnant and parenting teens. We offer group support classes on campus that focus on parenting skills and support.
Maple High School has a highly qualified Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team collecting data, implementing strategies to reteach behaviors and prevent suspensions. Every teacher and staff member, including our lead custodian, have been trained in PBIS and are contributing members of our team. All teachers meet as a team on Wednesday afternoons to discuss concerns and accomplishments of students and collaborate around how to better support struggling students. We have a counselor on campus who supports students in this area. Our goal is that students C.A.R.E. about themselves and their education by earning credit, attending school, respect themselves, others, and school property, and engaging in school and community activities.
Welcome to Maple High School!
Principal Ciervo